304-216-5568 mark@wvplanner.com

Personal Financial Planning

When planning a trip, the map shows many different roads that will take you to your destination. You can travel the expressway or tour on the scenic route. The destination is the same, it’s simply a matter of finding the route that is right for you. How do you find the right route for your financial planning needs? You start with the right process, one that puts you first. By utilizing our set of established and time-honored criteria, you can be more confident in your planning. Your input guides the process. Together we find the solutions that work to avoid roadblocks and negotiate detours, helping you achieve your goals and alleviate your concerns.

Areas of Focus

Estate Planning
Estate planning is the method of establishing your wishes before tragedy strikes. You may be thinking that estate planning is only for the super-rich. The fact is everyone can benefit from estate planning. If you are a homeowner, have savings in a bank or retirement account, estate planning should be part of your overall financial picture. Even those with limited tangible assets need to have certain legal documents. A will, medical directive, or medical power of attorney are documents that would be invaluable if you were hospitalized and unable to make competent decisions. Perhaps you have in your care a young child, incapacitated spouse, or aging parent. Proper estate planning principles can help direct not only your care but care for others in your absence. Organizing and putting your estate information in one place are important to help lessen the stress on your spouse or family administrator. We are not attorneys at Collective Financial Partners. We help direct the conversation with the guidance of legal counsel. We will work with your attorney or help you find legal representation to create planning that is right for you and your situation. Ultimately, the goal of estate planning is about helping assure wishes important to you are carried out.
Retirement Income Planning

According to TIAAF CREF, fewer than 4 in 10 Americans had tried to figure out how long their nest egg will translate into monthly retirement income. You have worked hard and saved even harder during your working years. But, there are important questions that need answered. How much do I need? How much do I have? How long will my savings last? Do I have enough or is there a gap and how do I fill it? Retirement Income Planning can answer these questions and much more. This could be one of the most important conversation of your life. We take the time to find your core values and discuss your expectations from your retirement savings. We can help you manage your priorities within the bigger picture. Investing your savings in a manner that is in line with your risk tolerances to help achieve your goals.

Social Security Strategies

After a lifetime of paying into the system, you want to get the most from your benefits. Unfortunately, too many of us over simplify the process. We feel our only option is to decide when to start our benefit payments. On the short list of decisions are spousal benefits and tax considerations. If you are married, who should apply first? Are you and your spouse the same age? Have you been divorced and remarried? Will you keep working after you begin receiving benefits? These are just some of the questions requiring answers. The time to talk is before making your selection as once you have made your choice, it is most likely final.

Medicare Solutions

Medicare options can be difficult to navigate. Wanting to or needing to continue working past 65 affects your options. Will my Medicare be primary or a secondary payor? Do I need to sign up for Part B? Then there is the big choice: Do you enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medicare Gap Plan? Do you understand the difference? Selecting one of these options can lead to unexpected expenses and a choice that may be difficult to undo. With so much at stake, why leave anything to chance.

Long-term Care

The fact is, we are living longer. Healthy life choices play a big role. But it seems improvements in science and medicine just won’t let us go. The thought of living forever can be appealing, but only if you were able to maintain an active and high quality of life.

What if you are living and experiencing diminished capacity? Have you given thought as to how this would affect the people closest in your life? As good as medical advancement is today, not everything can be repaired. The time may soon come we are no longer able to do all the things we once took for granted. Bathing, cooking, or cleaning around the house, who will help? Our family or children? Maybe our neighbors or friends? While all these are excellent possibilities, would you prefer your family and friends to be your care givers or your support team? One in 3 people will need some type of skilled care in their lifetime. The financial concerns can be staggering. With average costs nearing 80 to 90 thousand dollars per year, this could be a hard hit to your retirement savings. There are actions you can take to help reduce the financial and emotional strain to those closest to you.

Why work with a CFP®?

The Certified Financial Planner certification is the highest standard in personal financial planning. Less than 20 percent of financial advisors have achieved the standards and qualifications necessary to display the CFP® marks. When it comes to your hard-earned life savings, we believe that you should work with someone who has proven the highest competence and understanding of financial planning strategies. We are equipped to meet you where you are, whatever your financial literacy background may be. For more information about this designation visit www.letsmakeaplan.org

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Phone: 304-216-5568


240 Sherwood Street

Star City, WV 26505

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Collective Financial Partners, LLC